
Research Projects include:

1.  International Relations and Science, Technology, Innovation (STI): This project examines the relationship between international politics and STI, through both large-N and case study research.

2. Japanese Foreign and Public Policy: This project examines Japan’s international and domestic policymaking surround both security and STI.

3. Threat Perception in International Relations: This project examines threat perception in IR through both case studies that focus on post-WWII Japan (with Eitan Oren, King's College) and large-N scientometric analyses. 

4. Means and Methods in International Relations: This project focuses on building databases and applying data science techniques (machine learning / NLP) to IR.

Recent peer-reviewed publications and working papers can be found below. For more, please see my Google Scholar page.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Non-Peer Review Publications

Working / Forthcoming papers