Research Projects include:
1. International Relations and Science, Technology, Innovation (STI): This project examines the relationship between international politics and STI, through both large-N and case study research.
2. Japanese Foreign and Public Policy: This project examines Japan’s international and domestic policymaking surround both security and STI.
3. Threat Perception in International Relations: This project examines threat perception in IR through both case studies that focus on post-WWII Japan (with Eitan Oren, King's College) and large-N scientometric analyses.
4. Means and Methods in International Relations: This project focuses on building databases and applying data science techniques (machine learning / NLP) to IR.
Recent peer-reviewed publications and working papers can be found below. For more, please see my Google Scholar page.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Brummer, M. and S. Bamkin (2024) "The Early Emergence of Ombuds Systems in Japanese Science Universities," Science and Public Policy.
Kamikawa, Y. and M. Brummer (2024) "Cross-national and Cross-sectoral Dynamics of Innovation Policies: The case of lithium-ion battery technology for electric vehicles in the U.S. and China," Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
Brummer, M. and H. Ueno (2024) "Crisis and Choice in Digital Transformation: COVID-19 and the punctuated politics of government DX in Japan," Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration.
Go, C. and M. Brummer (2023) "Power, Governance, and Global Value Chains: Case studies on NGO agri-food innovation intermediaries in the Philippines," Asian Journal of Technology Innovation.
Brummer, M. and E. Oren (2023) “Beyond Power, Before Interdependence: Complex Synergy and Japan-Israel Relations,” in Japan-Middle East Relations, Satoru Nakamura and Steven Wright ed. (Palgrave Macmillan).
Brummer, M. (2022) "Innovation and Threats," Defence and Peace Economics, 33(5).
Prusa, I. and M. Brummer (2022) "Myth, Fiction and Politics and the Age of Antiheroes: A case study of Donald Trump," Heroism Science, 7(1).
Brummer, M. and E. Oren (2022) "We Must Protect This Peace With Our Hands: Strategic Culture and Japan's Use of Force in International Disputes." Journal of Advanced Military Studies, 88-112.
Oren, E. and M. Brummer (2020) "Threat Perception, Government Centralization, and Political Instrumentality in Abe Shinzo's Japan." Australian Journal of International Affairs, 74(6).
Oren, E. and M. Brummer (2020) "Reexamining Threat Perception in Early Cold War Japan," Journal of Cold War Studies, 22(4).
Schmid, J., M. Brummer, & M. Taylor (2017) "Innovation and Alliances," Review of Policy Research, 34(5).
Non-Peer Review Publications
Brummer, M. and W. Yennie Lindgren (2023) "Anarchy is a Bridge: Russia and China are pushing NATO and Japan together," War on the Rocks.
Oren, E. and M. Brummer (2020) "How Japan Talks About Security Threats," The Diplomat.
Brummer, M. (2019) "Bridges over Troubled History: Japan's Foreign Policy in Asia," International Studies Review, 21(1).
Brummer, M. and E. Oren (2017) "Israel and Japan's Rising Sun Relations," Foreign Affairs.
Brummer, M. (2017) "Tangoing with Schumpeter: The Security Politics of Science & Technology," International Studies Review, 19(2).
Brummer, M. (2016) "Japan: The Manga Military," The Diplomat.
Working / Forthcoming papers
"Athena's Ladder: Security Threats, Strategic Alliances, and Technological Innovations"
"The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Great Power Rivalry (with J. Lind)
"Security Threats, Strategic Alliances, and Japan's National Innovation System"
“National Security, Science and Technology in the Persian Gulf” (with K. Mita)
"Economic Sanctions and Technological Innovations: Evidence from patents, publications, and exports"
“Japanese Military Innovation”
“From Bombs to Bits: The Evolution of Israel-Northeast Asia Security Relations” (with E. Oren)
"The Shinzo Abe Assassination Dataset (SAAD)"
"The World and Japan: An Introduction to a database” (with A. Tanaka)