"The World and Japan" database

The World and Japan” is a database of primary source material on Japanese politics and diplomatic relations in the modern age, from the arrival of Commodore Perry to the Second World War, through the Cold War era, to present day 21st century. The database project was launched with a view to heightening the level of specialized research on and education in Japanese politics and diplomacy, as well as to enhance the quality of discussion of international issues in the policy-making arena, within government and in the mass media, and in informal interfaces such as social network services.

The database is designed to address many of the old and new challenges facing access and use of primary source materials: it is multilingual, open-access, cloud-based, free of charge, transparent, standardized, and in an easily searchable document-text format. The data is comprised of over 9,000 basic documents pertaining to Japanese multilateral and bilateral treaties, joint communiques, press conferences and addresses by prime ministers and Cabinet members, and documents on a range of particular subjects related to such issues as climate change and perceptions of history.

To support the upkeep and further construction of the database, please consider donating: - Donate Here -